Our school, I.E.S. Ribera del Tajo, is located in Talavera de la Reina, Toledo. It was founded in 1988 and at present we are about 1300 students in the school and there are 93 teachers.
The school offers both Secondary and Vocational school studies in different levels and it also provides its students with the possibility of studying from home or flexible timetables in certain fields.
The school wide curriculum includes Nursery, Computer and Business Administration studies, which ensures that every student can study something he likes. Moreover, this school is part of a Bilingual program to improve the learning of English. The subjects that are taught in English are History and P.E and they foster teamwork and cooperation.
Several Erasmus European Programs guarantee the students the opportunity to complete their formation and carry out training periods abroad in countries, such as, Ireland, Germany and U.K.
Finally the school also organizes extracurricular and complementary activities. For example trips, poetry contests, computer programming contest, theatre plays, and so on.
Daniel García García.