The Robert-Bosch-Fachoberschule für Wirtschaft, Munich offers a possibility to young people at the age of 16 to 20 to reach a degree that allows access to university. The school is specialized in economics and administration. At the moment the school has about 900 students and 57 teachers. 

Our school is located near the city center. Our students who come from different kinds of schools have a different social and multicultural background. 50% of our students have a migrant background which means that special pedagogical and cultural integration programs are necessary. Moreover many of them come from low-income families.

A great part of them attend our school because they could not find a job or vocational training after finishing school. That is why they often need special support for their motivation and commitment by our teachers. The drop-out rate is relatively high. Our school tries to reduce it by taking new pedagogical and methodical measures, e.g. by motivating and innovative teaching methods. The Robert-Bosch-Fachoberschule has established the „international orientation“ in the preamble of our guiding principles. So we are aiming at becoming a more international and open minded school and preparing students for the demands of globalization. This project can contribute a great deal to this. It will offer an opportunity to work together in an international setting to a large group of students and teachers involved in the project. This kind of European cooperation is an essential part of the strategy of our school to improve the skills of our students when communicating and working in a multicultural environment and to enhance the European awareness. It also creates a unique opportunity for the students and teachers to expand their international contacts , acquire multicultural experience and reduce prejudices in order to feel as European citizens with equal rights and chances. The Robert-Bosch-Fachoberschule has successfully organized Comenius projects for many years and an Erasmus+ project, mostly as coordinating school. Furthermore, our school offers the new faculty “International Economics“, where European cooperation is included in the curriculum. The school is also taking part in the project “Schule der Vielfalt“ (“school of diversity”) organized by the City of Munich. For all these reasons many teachers are highly motivated to take part in this Erasmus project and many have already acquired experience in international projects. In addition, the coordinator of the project will be the same as in many Comenius projects and the Erasmus+ project before. We are interested especially in clubs connected to our profile such as: Marketing, Entrepreneurial, job market but we can set up also others, according to mutual interest.