Europe Day in IES Ribera del Tajo
Local authorities of Toledo

Europe Day in IES Ribera del Tajo

Spanish local and regional authorities visit IES Ribera del Tajo and learn about SIFEC activities and objectives. Prof Clara Isabel Polo Benito introduced authorities about SIFEC project and achievements in this COVID time.

They were interested how we had been carrying out our meetings in these difficult times. Our Clara mentioned the meetings we had recently held with our partners on April 30th and May 7th. Finally ,they encouraged us to keep working to build up our European identity.

Our project has helped our students to learn about how to apply for a job in an international labour market and how our schools and business in our communities are committed with the environment” Students have worked together sharing ideas and learning about each other´s countries.

Prof Clara outlined that Robert Schuman laid the foundations for the European Union on May 9th 1950 in even more harder times. He had in mind two important principles: Peace and cooperation. 71 years later we continue working on them and developing that identity. One virus will not stop us. folloving Schuman’s and our studnet maged to follow morale “Peace and cooperation”.